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Automated Book System

Automated Book System

Small Book Return Kiosk

Due to its small size, returns can be made 24 hours a day without limitations on installation space. Return status can be checked through the touch monitor screen, and supports loads of more than 100 books.

Small Book Return System

  • Model Name : EZ-3520HRS
  • Procurement Item Identification Number 25320691

Automated Book System

Small Book Return System

Real-time return status and return information can be checked through the 17-inch touch monitor.
A detection sensor is installed in the loading box so that notification messages are sent to the administrator PC when the loading box is full.
The load capacity and loading status can be checked visually through the translucent glass window.

Appearance Measurements 1649mm(H) X 720mm(W) X 648mm(D)(±10)
Material STEEL
Operating Environment and Configuration Monitor 17-inch Touch Monitor
System Intel CPU / RAM 4 GB / HDD 64 GB or higher
OS Windows 10
Reader RFID Reader
Loading Box 1 Mobile Loading Box
Supports loads of around 100 books
Printer Thermal Transfer Type Built-in Printer
Protocol ISO 15693 / 18000-3
Frequency Band 13.56MHz