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Automated Book System

Automated Book System

Smart Shelf Kiosk

By applying RFID technology, various convenient functions such as book location inquiry, reading statistics calculation, and automatic return are provided.

Smart Shelf Kiosk

  • Model Name : EZ-910SB
  • Procurement Item Identification Number 23596573

Automated Book System

Smart Shelf Kiosk

The smart shelf was designed to improve the accuracy of book recognition performance
and makes it possible to recognize and processes multiple books.

Appearance Measurements 1770mm(H) x 2010mm(W) x 400mm(D)(±10)(Based on the Basic Bookshelf)
Material Steel, ABS
Operating Environment and Configuration System Intel CPU 1.99 GHZ, RAM 4 GB, HDD 250 G or higher
Kiosk 19-inch Touch Monitor
Operating Frequency 13.56MHz
Material Shelf 5 x 4(Based on the Basic Bookshelf)
Protocol International Standard ISO 15693 Support / ISO 18000-3 Support
Interface RS-232C, LAN