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Automated Book System

Automated Book System

Unmanned Membership Card Issue Kiosk

It is a system that allows users to issue membership cards non-face-to-face without the help of employees to issue library membership cards.
It has a product design that goes well with any place and meets both aesthetics and functions, and provides height adjustment that can be conveniently used by children and wheelchair users.

Unmanned membership card issuance system

  • Model Name : EZ-8120HCK
  • Procurement Item Identification Number 24612698

Automated Book System

Unmanned membership card issuance system

It is a system that allows users to issue membership cards non-face-to-face without the help of employees to issue library membership cards. It has a product design that goes well with any place and meets both aesthetics and functions, and provides height adjustment that can be conveniently used by children and wheelchair users.